Most Accurate - 97% correlation to Gold Standard (DXA
First scale can measure Body CircumferenceFirst scale can tell Waist-hip Ratio
First scale to measure Segmental Lean
First scale to measure Segmental Fat
BIA – The Most Popular Way of body composition measurement
BIA is a technology that quantitatively measures body composition through impedance that occurs when an electric current flows through the human body. BIA, which was first used in the late 1960's, is a method of measuring body water by sending an alternating current through the human body and obtaining an impedance index based on the fact that the human body is made of water that conducts electricity well and the resistance varies depending on the amount of water.
Until the late 1980s, the BIA method was a whole-body impedance measurement method with single low frequency. This method gave inaccurate results so the results had to be compensated through empirical estimation. However, the formulas with empirical estimation was only accurate for those within the study group, and those outside of the group had a low accuracy. Therefore the formula could not be used universally and was not developed for clinical use in hospitals. Until the late 1980s, the BIA method was a whole-body impedance measurement method with single low frequency. This method gave inaccurate results so the results had to be compensated through empirical estimation. However, the formulas with empirical estimation was only accurate for those within the study group, and those outside of the group had a low accuracy. Therefore the formula could not be used universally and was not developed for clinical use in hospitals.
Core Technical Advantages
1, 3 currents in low to high frequencies
Uses 5HZ, 50HZ, 250HZ currents to provide precise body water analysis.
2, Direct segmental measurement
Measures each of the body' s five cylinders (left arm, right arm, torso, left leg, and right lea) to deliver accurate and detailed results.
3, 3D human modeling
Add 3D human modeling algorithm together with BIA measurement to make the body constitution more accurate.
4, AI intelligent learning
Apply Al intelligent learning to continue optimizing the algorithm.